Friday, January 15, 2010


gosh, i'm feelin' patheticcc

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Next Blog >>

Have you ever clicked on that?? It's on the top bar...I always do...because I feel that there's a lot of blogs out there...that aren't read...and should I'm gonna go out and discover these...somewhat unread blogs...and read them...and follow them if they're not so boring....=D

Well, anyway, I dunno how the "next blog" is determined...but I dunno, I consider it fate. bwahaha

Well, anyway, a lot of these "next blogs" are like...about fashion...and I dunno if it's fate...or if a lot of people are crazy passionate about fashion...or if it's a sign to me that I need a fashion sense. 0.O

Well, I looked at my own blog...and next blogged myself...and that led me to this one blog about nails and was so awesome. I just had to follow it, I love nail art!!! XD So I took it as a sign. =D

But the weird thing is...the blogs that followed that were all b-boys and stuff...o.O I dunno if that's a sign to ME that I need to start break dancing or what...maybe I should...because I loves b-girls. =D

Monday, January 11, 2010


I haven't blogged in like...a week...but everyone else hasn't blogged in like...forever. lol what's with this?? I need to stalk your thoughts!! lol

Well, anyway, today...the strangest thing happened. I was working, and my brother's friends came in, and ordered pho as usual...and all was well, we usually speak a little because y'know, we ain't shady like that. Well, the thing is, they usually ask stuff like "how's school?" or stuff like that because they know I'm a nerd...but today they asked "So, you dating yet?" and the thing that's even stranger is...that I just kinda smiled to myself and said "not yet."

It was almost implying that I'll be dating SOON....and that is definitely NOT the case...o.O

Monday, January 4, 2010

The REAL meaning behind Disney's Beauty and The Beast!!

Alrighty, I've thought for a long time that the moral of the story behind Disney's "Beauty and The Beast" was "don't judge a person on how they look" BUT lately I realized that that's the shallow person's interpretation!! *Gasp*!!!

Ok, that might be the moral behind the ORIGINAL Beauty and The Beast, I dunno, I've never read it; BUT Disney's a lot more clever than we give them credit for (well..classic Disney at least).

It all made so much more sense to me after I was listening really closely to the lyrics of "Little Town;" the song Belle was singing in the beginning of the movie, and when she was reading at the fountain, with all the sheep she sings (sorry, I'm gonna have to like...emphasize all the notes XP): Heeeeeeerrrreee's where she meeeeeets Prince Charrrrmmmiiinnggg - but she won't discover that it's him, 'til chapter threeeeeeeeeeeeee

THERE IT IS!!!! OMFG. The whole moral of the story in ONE line of ONE song!!

What is the moral you say? It's an extension of the original "don't judge" moral except...I'd say the moral of Disney's Beauty is "you'll never know who your Prince Charming can turn out to be, so give everyone a chance."

Now, I know most of you are thinking "WTF are you talking about Tia, you're totally making this up" But look at the lyrics of "Something There;" the song everyone was singing when Belle and The Beast start liking each other (again, stretching the notes): "Neeeeeeeeewwww and a bit alarming, whoooo'd have eeeeeveeeeer thouuuuggghhhtt that thiiiiissss coooouuuulllddd beeeeeee??? Tttttrrrrruuuueee that he's nooooo Prrriiinncce Charrrmmiinnggg, but there' something in him that I certainly didn't seeeeeeee"

Alrighty, see see?? "True, that he's no Prince Charming" But we all know that he is most definitely a prince!! So Disney's basically saying "how would you know? So give everyone a chance and who knows, they might be Prince Charming!"

But the issue I have about this moral is: how DO you know?? I mean, sure there's jerks out there like Gaston, where you just don't even give them a chance, but wasn't the Beast just as bad if not worst that Gaston? If Gaston saved Belle from a pack of wolves and she mended his wounds, would Gaston suddenly be transformed into a charming little prince also?

And when applied to reality, do we have the time to give out these chances? If someone's dating a jerk or a bitch, how many chances should that person give the jerk or the bitch until they transform into the prince/ss? And the even bigger question is: how do we know that they'll change? Or do we change them?

See, this simple childhood movie opens up a lot of questions: do we date people to change them? Or do we change them then date them? And what do we do with jerks/bitches that don't change?

No wonder it was nominated for Best Picture. =D