Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cycle of Poverty

I should really be paying attention in lecture, but this is bothering the hell out of me.

I remember in sophomore year in high school, I took a history class and we watched a video about poverty in the US and obviously it was one of those movies in history class that just makes you want to go out and kill someone because the whole world is so fucked up.

But anyway.

There was this one story about a lady named...Tammy? I'm just gonna say her name is Tammy. And she's like...POOR. She had four kids and she works at BURGER KING and she lives in a trailer and she has no teeth and EVERYTHING.

Well, one of her sons, I feel was a major douchebag. He's all like, "oh, I'm ashamed of my mom, she's always so scrubby looking. I try to look preppy and classy and I want to go to college" and I'm seriously just like, "Bitch, you better shut the fuck up talking about your mother like that, she walks 10 miles to work so that you CAN look all "preppy" and shit."

But as we were discussing the video in class afterwards, I specifically remember saying, "you know, if one of her boys would just get a job, she wouldn't have to work so hard." and the most surprising thing was what my TEACHER said right afterwards, "well, then that gets them sucked into the cycle of working instead of going to college"



WTF???? How the hell is getting a part time job gonna stop that motherfucker from going to college?? We were sophomores and about 90% of the people in class had a part time job! And most of us were going to pursue a higher education degree! GETTING A MOTHERFUCKING PART TIME JOB WILL NOT DEFER YOU FROM GOING TO COLLEGE.

In fact, I think it better prepares you for college. If you can start managing your time in high school around a job and school and extracurricular activities, then in college where to work load is a lot harder and you have to fend for yourself, then you'll be better prepared. What, are your parents going to pay your rent until you get a degree and get a job? Are your parents going to come in every weekend and do your laundry? Are your parents going to come every night to make your dinner?



Now, I know that some people just can't cook, I'm one of them. But I would never ask my mother or my father to cook for me EVERYDAY, or do my laundry or pay my rent. It's my responsibility and I need to take care of it myself.

I mean seriously, it pisses me off how much some people still rely on their parents. You are a grown ass motherfucking person and you need to start taking care of your own shit. And if your parents are doing some thing wrong...then you better get off your ass, stop complaining, and try to fix their mistakes; god knows that they did that for YOU your whole life.

Maybe that's the cause for the cycle of poverty, the dependence on the earlier generation, the pussyassness of the new generation. A lot of people complain about being poor and not being able to get out of the cycle of poverty; well, it is hard to get out of the cycle of poverty, but with some motherfuckers just sitting back and complaining about it...isn't going to do anything. People are going to have to sacrifice a shit ton of things in order to make any kind of progress, they are going to have to work their ass off in order to achieve what they want. If you can't even get that concept right, then fuck it, maybe you're meant to stay in the same place forever and you're meant to not make any progress.

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