Monday, November 1, 2010

uniqueness... so overrated.

"be unique. just like the rest of us" -holycrapdude (for those of you who do not know, holycrapdude was my...screen name? for a really long time. yeah, everyone thought i was a guy...even online people mistake me for a guy...=/)

i mean, sure, you're not like me, but just because you're not like me doesn't mean that you're more yourself.

i mean, seriously, i would rather have a million people that are exactly the same, but are real instead of five "unique" people who are fake.

like...i dunno, this is hard to explain.

like...what's so horrible about being like everyone else? what's wrong with having the same opinions as a lot of other people? what's wrong with dressing just like everyone else? what's wrong with doing your hair just like everyone else? or listening to what everyone else is? or reading the same books?

here's the thing; it takes someone...extremely extraordinary to be...unique. and not everyone is extremely extraordinary. most everyone is just plain old ordinary.

and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

i mean, what's wrong with thinking like the majority? they're a majority for a reason! if you think like a minority, then you are...pretty much a freak. in case you haven't noticed, all smart people are freaks!

not to say that being smart or being a freak is a bad thing, so long as you're being yourself.

well, i guess...i dunno, what i'm trying to say is. just be real. whether you're like everyone else or not, it shouldn't matter'll at least be you. let others be whoever the hell they want to be so long as you know who you are.

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