Sunday, September 11, 2011

relationship status

you know i used to think people had senses of humor and didn't take everything so seriously.

like facebook relationship statuses. yeah people are in "civil unions" and are "married" and all that fun stuff. it's 'immature' i guess but you know what, it's in all good fun. and if someone was single and searching, don't you think that they'll be just a touch more aggressive in looking for a relationship than someone just looking for a good time (sexual and non-sexual :D)???

seriously. if my (non-existent) relationship life really was complicated, or if i was going through a rough patch; i sure as hell won't post that shit on facebook! i sure as hell am not gonna get into a fight with my partner on their wall or post no shit about nothing because you know what? that shit's personal. and i won't bring it up in an everyday conversation so why the hell would i advertise that shit on facebook?

i thought that people had the sense to know that if i put my relationship status as "it's complicated" to realize that i'm kinda kidding around. you know what, life is complicated, sometimes everything's not black and white. what if i was the type to have a lot of really close guy friends and a couple fuck buddies? then once having a guy that i want to have an exclusive relationship with will definitely complicate the shit out of stuff! or what if i'm simply not looking for a relationship? because that will complicate stuff too, what if someone is really ready to make a commitment to me and i just don't want that right now? feelings are complicated and not everyone who is single is looking for a relationship.

and you know what sucks even more? why CAN'T i be single? do i always need to be talking to somebody or interested in somebody? i don't go around looking for relationships and don't hit on every hot guy i see because honestly, if i could stay out of a relationship, i'd do it. ugh. i hate meddling people who think that just because i'm single means that i'm lonely and unhappy and i need somebody to complete me. no. i'm good with just me. i'm not incomplete as a person, i don't need nobody to complete me because i'm already all here. i don't need nobody to love me because i already love myself. to be honest, if i'm single for the rest of my life i think i will still live a very fulfilling life. but no. apparently not. i need a wingman or a matchmaker to set me up with some hot guys; i need to go out to the clubs and bring home somebody, even if it's for the night; i need to go out there and find my freaking soulmate or something.

and i don't. i'm perfectly happy being "by myself" i'm perfectly happy not being in a relationship so thank you very much.

now back to the topic of facebook relationship statuses.

if you go look at my profile, i took off my relationship status know what, i don't want to deal with that shit anymore. i don't want people to think that i'm looking for a relationship just because it says i'm single, i don't want people to think that i'm in a bad relationship because it says "it's complicated" i don't want people to think i'm immature because i'm in a civil union with one of my girlfriends.

so simply put, i don't want to be identified by my relationship status, i want to be seen for who i really am and that's just me. even if i had a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, multiple partners or whatever, i don't want them to be seen as something that defines me because they don't. i mean, why do people judge you so much on who you're dating anyway? they don't judge you on your friends or family as much (even though they do still judge you based on those relationships too...) as who you're dating. like...why does it matter? you can't help who your family is, you can't help who you fall in love with. if we could control who we fall in love with, then i'd be in love with someone totally legit amazing. i mean, if we could choose who we fall in love with then nobody would be gay because they can choose to fall in love with the "appropriate" gender. and nobody would marry assholes because they would choose the nice guy.

ok, so we went off on a tangent, as always. but anyway what i'm trying to say is...people need to get a sense of humor again.

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