Friday, February 19, 2010

Let Racism Slide

Ok, I have a dear friend who posted a John Mayer quote on her facebook status, it goes like this, "My dick is sort of like a white supremacist" (it's paraphrased but I think that's really all you need).

Ok, first of all, I'm not even that big of a John Mayer fan...I had to wikipedia him to realize what songs he sang...yeah, I'm bad with matching up artists with songs, but if they all stop sounding the same then maybe I'll get it eventually (but this is a topic for another day).

And secondly, I don't even care much that he's racist, I mean, when you're that ignorant, it really can't be helped sometimes. And I'm glad that Playboy didn't censor that, I think that by exposing really shows a lot about the American popular culture takes on racism. (But I think it's mostly because it's controversial and...c'mon, it's Playboy, they loves they contraversy.)

Anyway, the thing that pisses me off the MOST, the absolute most, are the comments on this article ( [Ok, first of all "MtV News" just sounds HILARIOUS, but again, something for another day]. Ok...first off, the people here are so EXTREME! There's clearly two kinds of people here, the kind that are too unforgiving and the kind that are too forgiving. The too unforgiving kind, I'm actually on their side, first off, he doesn't even have the best music so I don't even know where he gets this huge head from, and second, this isn't the first douchy thing he's said! HE IS A DOUCHE. And personally, I don't think a douche is capable of making meaningful, beautiful music.

Alrighty, then there's the too forgiving kind...and can you believe what they're saying? "Give him a break"...seriously? Give him a BREAK? Give him a BREAK??? It's like saying "give intolerance a break guys," I'm not being melodramatic here, I mean, would you say "give the KKK a break" or "give the gay-bashers a break"?? Would you?? By "giving him a break," you're basically saying that it's ok to be racist, as long as you apologize via Twitter when the article gets released. And that's not even a sincere apology! That's a "save my career" move, probably planned out by his agent or something!

I don't think that it's too extreme to say that JM is a racist, you know why? Because if he really isn't racist, then he really wouldn't say that in the first place, in that context. He's not funny enough to make fun of racism, the way he went about it is simply racist. It doesn't comment on how SOCIETY looks onto racism, it doesn't criticize how a PEOPLE practices racism, he's talking about HIS DICK. That's HIS OWN PERSONAL DICK AND HIS OWN PERSONAL FEELINGS. Which I think can make us conclude that he IS racist. And I don't think racism should be tolerated or given breaks.

Alrighty, so I'd like to dedicate this post to Chloe Brown because it was her status that had this quote on there and so yeah, thanks Cho-le!

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