Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Time Management

There are some things that I don't understand in this world. Ok, lots of things that I don't understand, but one of the things that I don't understand is how...inefficient some people can be. It's not lazy, or stupid simply...inefficient.

I mean, yeah, with enough hard work you can pretty much do everything you want in the world. Time management is part of that hard work because well...time management is pretty darn hard XP.

What I mean is, that how can someone be so...god damn SLOW at stuff?? I don't think that I'm the fastest person or most efficient person or even the least laziest, I am slow at some things and I am lazy; but when I have work to do, I do my work, finish my work and still manage to have time to hang out with my friends and go home to my family at night, and even work on the weekends!

Ok, now I just re-read my last sentence and it makes me sound like some super-person, which I'm not. I'm not getting the best grades (well, I'm not sure yet, we've only had like...readings and stuff but I think I failed my hiragana quiz XP) but I am getting my work finished. I'm not the most social person and I don't go to all the social functions but I do get to hang out with my friends and I don't get to spend all day everyday with my family but I still manage to see them for at least an hour everyday.

Today is actually my nephew's birthday..and class ends at 5:30. FML.

I hate missing special days like this.

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