Monday, August 30, 2010


seriously? this is...pretty pathetic. trying not be bias. but just seeing how quick you are to throw all the blame on someone else makes me wonder about your character.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

30 DC - Catching up

ok. so. missed 5 days. and here they are!

Day 6 - Whatever tickles your fancy

ok. i love that saying "whatever tickles your fancy" it's so...i dunno, funny to me :D

but hmmm...well, first things first.
lately, i have been abandoned at my parent's place because we were supposed to help around the house while my parents went to michigan. so me and zong come back for the weekend, or so i thought. so we get here friday night and i go do farmer's market saturday morning (and omg, doing the registration stuff without my mom was so SCARY - but i still did it :D) and zong rushes back to the apt for a party her friends were hosting (kinda bogus, i know, but we all just kinda didn't really give a damn for her either hmph).

now...i knew she wanted to go to milwaukee to help out my sister moua, who's pregnant, now, she's only 5 months pregnant...but she's kinda stupid, so she needs a lot of help even with little stuff. but anyway. i knew that she wanted to go, and i knew that they were planning on going, but i thought that they would only be gone for a week, and i thought that zong would leave me her keys so i'm not stranded at the apt while she's gone.

well, guess how wrong i was? zong never returns from the party because she rushes off to milwaukee the morning afterwards. along with her keys. she doesn't even drop them off to me! like...WTFH????? ugh. so i'm stranded at my parent's place for not just one week, but THREE weeks. with no clothes. no phone charger. no TOOTHBRUSH. pretty much nothing. and i had NO WARNINGGG

so yeah. kinda sucks. but it's ok. i went to go buy new clothes :D

Day 7 - A Photo That Makes You Happy


Day 8 - A Photo That Makes You Upset

brb with this too, gotta find a way to show pictures or whatever

Day 9 - A Photo You Took

ugh. brb.

Day 10 - A Photo Taken of You 10 Years ago


Thursday, August 5, 2010

30DC - Favorite Quote

wow. this is a big category ain't it? hmmmmmmmmm
well...*sigh*...i don't really know
there are a lot of great quotes out there but i find that a quote is at it's peak of amazingness only when it applies to you at that certain situation.

maybe you're writing a paper on fashion and feminism, well, maybe this quote will be awesome for ya

or maybe you're feeling a little down about your achievements in life or something, maybe this quote will make you feel better about yourself

so...i don't know. i don't really have a set favorite quote because there's no one quote that applies to everything in my entire life :D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

30DC - Favorite Book

hm. i don't read a lot. there was a time when i did. i LOVED reading. still do. i'm rather upset that i haven't had the chance to just curl up with a good book lately. sads. ='[

however. my favorite book? hmmmmmm.....i've read a lot of good novels back in my day...but none wowed me enough for me to deem my "favorite"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

30DC - Favorite TV Program

hm. first of all, i fail at watching tv. lol

and well...i love love love the simpsons, i've been watching it for like my whole life and i still loves it to death :D

Monday, August 2, 2010


ok, i have to run off and catch the bus in like ten minutes so this will be a quick post

i dunno, this is just like...running around in my head and i gotta spit it out before yeah.


just because you're not dead last doesn't mean you haven't lost.

just because you're not at the bottom of the class doesn't mean that you're not failing.

and in the end, no one else matters. it is up to you. so it doesn't matter how everyone else measures up, it's how you measure up.

so stop feeling good about yourself from other people's failure and stop being a failure yourself.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

30DC - Favorite Movie

So. Favorite movies eh?
hmm, well, i've recently seen Toy Story 3. and cried. been a long long time since i cried during a movie. super good and awesome. and i just loved it. especially the baby. and barbie and ken. and buzz. and ahh just all of it. you don't even have to watch the first two, you just...remember it as if it was a part of your childhood IS a part of your childhood. it's amazing. :D definitely the movie i recommend the most this summer.

having said that, i have also recently watched Inception. and O.M.G. SEXY movie. like. wow.
just. wow. i've seen about half a million statuses saying it was mind blowing, so i don't want to use it to describe this movie. but no. you have to say. it's MIND BLOWING. and intense. and like. wow. sexy. lol
ok, first of all, it has leonardo dicaprio in it. that just almost guarantees that it'll be a good movie lol and second of all, it doesn't have any other super duper major a-list stars, so you know it's not another one of those movies where they clump together all of these big names and then fail with a story line. but nevertheless, it delivers. if none of these actors get another major job right after this movie, i will just lose faith in the system. because everyone was amazing and i loved them all. and they were all super sexy.

and how can i forget about eclipse?? OMG. SUPER SEXY MOVIE. like. wow. i didn't think i could fall more in love with taylor lautner. and guess what? i did. fucker. gosh. love that man. hehe and like...i don't even know man. that movie was soooo awkward that. i can't even. wow. i can't even like. wow. so twilight. haha

but talking about my absolute favorite movie. i would have to say it rests on: finding nemo and wall-e. both disney pixar. amazing ain't it? hehe
the thing is. finding nemo. like. omg. it just makes my life. i cried in that movie too. like...i don't know what it is about that movie. it just has a really special place in my heart. it's just...marlin's determination to get nemo back really...i dunno, it really touches me. :D
and WALL-E omg. wow. wall-e. the first ten seconds of the first trailer i saw of wall-e, i knew that it was going to be good. and it was phenomenal! omg! i just LOVE it! ahhhhhhhhhh wall-e and eve are of my favorite couples of all time. love them to death and...ahh just so happy :D

30DC - Favorite Song

well, lately i've been in love with Enrique Iglesias' "I Like It" i first heard it when linda (my roomie) played it was just so catchy that i fell in love with it :D also i loooooves enrique and pitbull so ahhh xD i normally hate catchy songs because i feel that there's not much talent that you like about the song it simply just gets stuck in your head then you're forced to like it in order to remain sane.

however, i dunno if it's my absolute favorite song ever, but it really has very special place in my heart, The Jackson 5's "I'll Be There" i simply just loooove baby michael, every time i get super duper depressed or something, i just pop on this song and i feel a little better. even when i'm ok, i just sometimes want to listen to this song :D

and ever since i was a little girl, i've always always always loved loved loved loved loooovvveedd this song, it's soooooo ahhhh sooo awesome to me. if i ever get married, i'd like this to be played at my wedding at the end of the day or something :D ahhhhhhhh this song is probably the best way to win my heart too xD
it's luj yaj's "xav kom wb sib tau" and ahhhh i just love love love luj yaj :D

30 Day Challenge!

This 30-day-challenge thingie has been going around on tumblr, and now few people have done it on youtube aswell, so i was thinking why not do this in my blog! This way I get something to post everyday and you guys can get to know me little better. The challenge is to post everyday about the topic that's set for the day. So I'm starting this right away after this post. The topics are:

Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy