Tuesday, August 10, 2010

30 DC - Catching up

ok. so. missed 5 days. and here they are!

Day 6 - Whatever tickles your fancy

ok. i love that saying "whatever tickles your fancy" it's so...i dunno, funny to me :D

but hmmm...well, first things first.
lately, i have been abandoned at my parent's place because we were supposed to help around the house while my parents went to michigan. so me and zong come back for the weekend, or so i thought. so we get here friday night and i go do farmer's market saturday morning (and omg, doing the registration stuff without my mom was so SCARY - but i still did it :D) and zong rushes back to the apt for a party her friends were hosting (kinda bogus, i know, but we all just kinda didn't really give a damn for her either hmph).

now...i knew she wanted to go to milwaukee to help out my sister moua, who's pregnant, now, she's only 5 months pregnant...but she's kinda stupid, so she needs a lot of help even with little stuff. but anyway. i knew that she wanted to go, and i knew that they were planning on going, but i thought that they would only be gone for a week, and i thought that zong would leave me her keys so i'm not stranded at the apt while she's gone.

well, guess how wrong i was? zong never returns from the party because she rushes off to milwaukee the morning afterwards. along with her keys. she doesn't even drop them off to me! like...WTFH????? ugh. so i'm stranded at my parent's place for not just one week, but THREE weeks. with no clothes. no phone charger. no TOOTHBRUSH. pretty much nothing. and i had NO WARNINGGG

so yeah. kinda sucks. but it's ok. i went to go buy new clothes :D

Day 7 - A Photo That Makes You Happy


Day 8 - A Photo That Makes You Upset

brb with this too, gotta find a way to show pictures or whatever

Day 9 - A Photo You Took

ugh. brb.

Day 10 - A Photo Taken of You 10 Years ago


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