Monday, September 27, 2010

"i'm a model!"

yeah...take your clothes off, do a "sexy" pose and boom! you is a model! just like tyra and giselle!

no, actually, you're just a whore...

i hate how people think sexy is always like...loads of make up and very little clothes...i mean, anyone can be "sexy" kneeling on her knees putting on that "fuck me" face so wouldn't it be an actual skill if you can be sexy with your clothes on?

yeah, sexy has the word "sex" in it, but that doesn't a whore. no, i think it's completely possible to be sexy and have your clothes on. it's also possible to turn someone on while being completely clothed.

also, how the hell can you do that to yourself? degrade yourself into an image, an object of sexual desire, do you not have any substance in you? do you not have any respect for you or your body?

now, i know that nudity is usually associated with sex, because when you have sex, you are usually nude (unless it's a quickie, then you're not necessarily completely nude, but let's not get into details). but i personally think that just because you're nude doesn't automatically mean that you're ready to be sexed.

like...for example, David. (yeah, huge historical sculpture, David) David, as we all know, is very much nude. and he is, as we all know, very very very sexy. however, i dunno about you guys, but i honestly do not get turned on when i see him. i appreciate his...masculinity, i really do. he's a sexy 15 year old. however, the sculpture doesn't scream "fuck me." it pretty much shows a human being in his most natural state, nude.

and i honestly feel that nudity is very beautiful, there's no illusion from your clothes making you appear longer or skinnier, there's nothing hiding you. it's all of you in your most natural state. no illusions. and i'm pretty upset that nudity is so associated with sexual activity.

and by the way, is sex really that bad? many societies in the world in the span of history see sex as a horrific act. accepted only in the privacy of a married couple, talked about in innuendos but never discussed in full of itself. and i've always thought that it's weird, because sex can be a very beautiful thing, but it's such a...sensitive topic. and it's almost universal in almost every culture in the history of mankind spanning the globe. i don't know why this is, and i don't exactly want to find the answer, i'll leave that to the anthropologists. but and nudity isn't that bad, so why do we treat it like it's the plague?

wow, this blog post has taken quite a turn that i wasn't exactly expecting. o.o

anyway. just because a professional photographer takes a picture of you and with all his little studio umbrellas and whatnot doesn't make you a model. it just means that that photographer is most likely a pervert. :D

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