Wednesday, March 30, 2011

OH MY MOTHERFUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm wayyyyy too happy for this..................................

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my heart blew up a little. just a little.

god. i'm so freakin' emotional right now. that's it, only 3 cans of soda before 7 now.

i just realized...

that we were never as close as i thought we were. and i think it's about time you realize that too

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


don't you just love them???

it's like...when they're bitchin' and moanin' and complainin' sometimes i'm like "omg, who told you i thought that bout you???" but then they're really talking about someone else?? HAHA

it's quite sad really, how delusional people are about themselves. they think so highly of themselves and judge others so quickly and strongly when really, they're almost exactly the same.

and it's hilarious when someone bitches about someone else so horribly behind their backs and act super friendly to their face! it's you. say it on facebook because you don't have the balls to say it to my face. thank you so much. now the world can see you for who you are, and i don't have to say shit.

ah. see. that's why i love hypocrites so much. they really take the workload off of you. they're so lost in their own illusions that they don't realize that they're not fooling anyone and that everyone can see just exactly who they are.

i ain't even gotta say shit to nobody about anything because actions speak louder than words and you're out there baby. :D i don't know who you're frontin', but it's not working because we see right past fact, you're invisible. you scream all you want because no one's listening. you talk all the shit you want but, we all eat our words, so at least make sure it's sweet. :]

Monday, March 28, 2011


...feels weird.

it started off kinda weird and a little rocky. but...for some reason, given the events of today, i don't feel as...stressed.

i don't know why, but for some reason i'm not freaking out over anything, i'm not overwhelmed by anything and i sure as hell do not feel under pressure about anything!

it's so's like...really nice. i'm like...just...freeeeee

he's. gay.



Sunday, March 27, 2011


it's sad that you need to be controlled by something. i personally prefer to be the one in control.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sigh, I do not deserve all of this...

Friday, March 25, 2011

oh. hell. naw.

think i don't know about all this talk? think i'm so unaware of what everyone's saying about me??

"oh, tia done gone and got her heart broke. poor girl."

let me tell you something. i'm not the fucking victim; i'm the bad guy.

i'm not afraid to get hurt, i'm not afraid to care and i'm not afraid to get beat up so bad that i can't stand straight; i'll still get up and do it all over again if i can.

i never slipped, i never got my guard down, and yes, i still did get hurt but i never crumbled; i came back stronger.

i am aware of who i am. no matter who tells me otherwise, my image of myself does not change. i was never manipulated, i was never wooed and i sure as hell was never blinded. i saw it from the start, i shied away from it because i wanted to fall, i wanted to feel and most of all, i wanted to forget.

but none of that ever happened, eventually the drunken illusion lifted and i realized that this was all a big waste of time. it was all caused by me, it was all created by me; so the fault is all mine. and because i accept that, i was able to get past this.
You talkin' to me? Bitch, you talkin' to me?!

Cause if that's the case, hi :D

Thursday, March 24, 2011

oh shit

i think my ego's a bit too big sometimes. oh well :D there's a reason why it's big :]

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rawrrrr testing!!!



i think everything happens for a reason.

you may not realize it right now, but there's a reason why you meet the people you do, why you have the relationships you have and why things happen the way they do. for a while i followed the "forget the people from your past, there's a reason why they're not in your future" ideology that i think of it, that's not the full truth.

there's a lot of decisions you're going to make in life that you'll regret, but what you should never regret is actually making that decision. because what you regret isn't making the decision, it's the events that follow. but at the time, even if i know the outcome..i'll probably still go through with it. i'll just be cautious.

i feel that if something was meant to happen, then it will happen. and if it isn't supposed to happen, then it never would have. i feel that it's chance that we meet the people we do, but we develop the relationships we do because it's supposed to help us become better people, make us stronger individuals and teach us lessons. i don't regret any relationships that i've ever been in because i come out of them learning something more about myself. i become more in tune with who i am and what i am capable of and because of that, i want to thank everyone who has come into my life, whether they stayed a part of it or not, they have made an impact on who i am today and i am forever grateful that you have helped me grow.

whichever path i'm supposed to be on, whoever i'm supposed to meet, and whatever i'm supposed to do, i'm not sure if i'm exactly ready for it, but all i know is that i'll take it as it is.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

one last one for you

sorry i wasted your time

and sorry i burdened you

and sorry i lied

and sorry i expected so much out of you

and sorry i blamed you for my own problems

and sorry i wasn't what you expected

and sorry for demeaning you

and sorry for humiliating you

and sorry for embarrassing you

and sorry my laptop doesn't work right

and sorry for offending you

and sorry for insulting you

and sorry for leading you on

and sorry for hurting you, if i ever did

and sorry for distracting you

and sorry for not giving you what you want

and sorry for ignoring you

and finally, thanks. for everything.

vaya con dios, mi amor.


i love when i don't even have to say anything, you make yourself look stupid :D

Saturday, March 19, 2011

now that i think of it...

it's really amazing how transparent people are...but they think they're hiding stuff :/

Monday, March 14, 2011


i love us!

if i had a star...

...for every time that you've brighten my day, i'd live in the dark.

thank god for artificial lights.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


i miss my babies.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


god. i fail as an art student. maybe i should just give up now and major in science or something.

Monday, March 7, 2011


i'm a terrible person.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

imaginary tattoos

i effin' love tattoos. if i wasn't so afraid of commitment, i'd be inked already.

but what i hate is when people who are against tattoos say "imagine what it'll look like when you're like 80"

honestly? think that's gonna stop me? i'm gonna be a BADASS grandma with a boa constrictor devouring a dragon tattoo all the way down my back (that's right, a snake eating a dragon.) maybe having a tramp stamp won't be the best idea...but honestly, even if you were a hot 20 year old, it doesn't look all that good...just makes you a wee bit trashy.
and you know what? imagine your face, or your boobs, or your ass, or your arms even when you're 80, they're going to be saggy, wrinkly and they gonna stank. but y'know what, no one's amputating their arms or legs or ripping their skin off; so why y'all gotta hate on tats for? shooo.

on a weird segway, i love henna. because it's more permanent than markers but not as permanent as tattoos! it's just awesome! xD and it just looks cool!! I WANT HENNA.