Tuesday, March 29, 2011


don't you just love them???

it's like...when they're bitchin' and moanin' and complainin' sometimes i'm like "omg, who told you i thought that bout you???" but then they're really talking about someone else?? HAHA

it's quite sad really, how delusional people are about themselves. they think so highly of themselves and judge others so quickly and strongly when really, they're almost exactly the same.

and it's hilarious when someone bitches about someone else so horribly behind their backs and act super friendly to their face! it's like...wow...thank you. say it on facebook because you don't have the balls to say it to my face. thank you so much. now the world can see you for who you are, and i don't have to say shit.

ah. see. that's why i love hypocrites so much. they really take the workload off of you. they're so lost in their own illusions that they don't realize that they're not fooling anyone and that everyone can see just exactly who they are.

i ain't even gotta say shit to nobody about anything because actions speak louder than words and you're out there baby. :D i don't know who you're frontin', but it's not working because we see right past you...in fact, you're invisible. you scream all you want because no one's listening. you talk all the shit you want but, we all eat our words, so at least make sure it's sweet. :]

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