Monday, April 2, 2012

The Art of Modesty

I've always been a fan of hijabi; i remember waaaay back to 9/11 and the huge blow up about the middle east and islam in general.

 and even back in the 5th grade, women's rights have been an issue that's been discussed. i'm all for women's, human's rights in general. but i remember that one of the biggest issues revolved around hijabi culture.

 it still boggles me to this day that schools and teachers would brainwash us that hijabi is a form of oppression. i remember that even as an 11 year old; i simply just loved the fact that women even covered up. unfortunately, i didn't have any muslims in my class back then, but it must hurt like a BITCH to hear that your culture and your beliefs are "oppressive" and "wrong".

 I mean, i experienced it myself when i read an article about hmong culture and the author (who i believe was a hmong woman) ranted on and on about how the hmong culture was oppressive towards women and the lives of hmong women would only know hardship.


 like. really? this goes back to my one post about society and taking an active role in it. IF YOU THINK THERE'S SOMETHING FUCKING WRONG WITH YOUR SOCIETY. FUCKING CHANGE IT. quit bitching and acting like the world's against you, you have a voice too and you also have the power to change it. and you know what? FUCK that article, because to be honest, what society DOESN'T oppress women, or practice any type of oppression? even in perfect america, women are oppressed; racism exists; intolerance happens EVERY SINGLE DAY.

i fucking hate that people think that mainstream america is somehow free of hate. what i also fucking hate when people think america's like the most dysfunctional country in the world. I FUCKING LOVE BEING AMERICAN. if you really don't like it, FUCKING MOVE. you know how fucking EASY it is to LEAVE the united states? why don't you go live in north korea and try fucking leaving? bet you can't just up and move as easily as you can in america! and you know, motherfuckers that are all like "oh, there's only racism in america. it's not that big in europe" well. isn't europe just fucking perfect? with their socialism and universal healthcare and legal marijuana. well guess, fucking what? racism may not exist in some places, but that's because EVERYBODY'S THE SAME GODDAMN RACE. look at china. how many fucking black people are in china? how many fucking white people are in china?? how the fuck can they be racist, if there ain't no race to be racist against??

 DISCRIMINATION exists everywhere. oppression exists everywhere. you can't escape it; you can move to wherever the fuck you think is perfect and free of the hatred and intolerance known as human nature.

 well. that was quite the tangent. BUT! now that you know where i come from in terms of oppression; it's everywhere and you shouldn't think that your society or that you are better than people just because they live differently than you.

 now back to the topic of modesty.

 now that we've gotten the whole oppression idea out of the question. i'm going to talk about another type of oppression: self-oppression.

 i can't recall how many times i've seen women oppress themselves by embodying every idea that we have worked so damn hard to get rid of.

 just to list a few:

 -the idea of "daintiness"
                     BITCH PLEASE i can open any fucking can in this fucking place, INCLUDING a can of whoop-ass. do NOT think i'm some dainty flower because i will STOMP a bitch if i have to.

 -the "sexy" ideal
                    OMFLJ PLEASE. PLEASE let the next "sexy" person i see DIE. sexy is a good thing, it's good to have sex appeal, that's how you attract mates and that's how you reproduce and continue the human race. HOWEVER. do not do not do NOT make yourself a sex object. because do you know what that makes you? an OBJECT. you are not an object. you are a human being. do you know what an object is? it's like...a tissue. once you're done with what you need it for, you toss it. if you toss a human being, then you're a terrible human being. if you toss an object, you're just a regular human being. don't be an object. don't objectify yourself because that just justifies the asshole that tosses you. i mean people will be like "well, yeah, he only wants one thing" if you were something of substance, maybe you'll be worth keeping, ever think of that?

 -the boob shot
                       ...i don't know why bitches be getting so offended when i call them out on their boob shots.'s obviously to show off your boobs. and that leads back to objectifying yourself. and hey, i love boobs just as much as the next person, which is why i'm willing to fight for the dignity of boobs. boobs are awesome. don't make them less awesome by stigmatizing them as a sex object. do not objectify yourself and do not objectify your boobs. i mean, seriously, if you're gonna take a picture of your new "shirt" or "jacket" or "swim suit" then take a picture of it! if it MUST be on you, then at LEAST have your fucking head in there! you know what's better than a head? a BODY. i hate when girls take pictures from their boobs up. i mean, if your eyes aren't that engaging, where the fuck do you think my eyes are gonna go? the background? no. your boobs. because boobs are awesome. but you making them all about sex, then that makes them less awesome, because boobs are so much more than just there for titty-fucking. they feed our babies, they attract mates, they can crush cans, they cushion chest bumps. boobs are awesome, so don't make them less awesome just because you're a whore.

 okay. now that you all know my opinion on...mainly just how you carry yourself. so this ties back to the idea of modesty. because i believe that there is a lot of virtue in modesty. i'm not so extreme as to the hijabi, but i believe that it is very classic and extremely fashionable; not to mention tasteful. now i LOVE the naked body. i am an art student afterall. i love the naturalness of the figure, if anything i believe my mentality is more of a nudist than islam, but i do love modesty.

i love modesty because i believe nudism is still too radical; being nude isn't about having massive orgies all the time, it's about that naturalness that i was talking about. but for some reason everyone thinks that just because it's all hanging out, it's for the purpose of "easy access" you know what, maybe it's because you have NOTHING to be ashamed of!! why hide behind fabric when your skin is more beautiful? THAT'S the idea behind nudism. but apparently people don't get that shit. so i also support the opposite end of the spectrum. MODESTY. because i think it's a very classy way of presenting yourself. trust me, i'm not so conservative as to do full body covering, but i do think that you don't have to prance around with your titties fallin' out or your ass jiggling everywhere. that is NOT cute.

having people comment on your boobs or your ass and NOT your eyes or your smile or hey! what do you know? what about even your goddamn PERSONALITY? or even your intelligence? if you give them nothing else to look at or notice, they're only gonna notice what you put in front of them. so you either put who you really are, what you're made of and what you want people to think of you. OR you can speak "body language" and let your body do the talking. because god knows, ain't nobody listening to a goddamn word you're saying. so you, as a woman, have a choice to use your voice to do the talking, or you can let people stare at you and hopefully you can have a meaningful conversation.

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