Sunday, April 15, 2012

relationship connections

i think it's really interesting how involved you can get with different people you meet. sometimes you meet one person, and it's just that. you make one new friend. but a lot of times when you meet one person, like actually get to know them and make them a part of your life; chances are you are going to meet at least like 10 other people; and depending on the relationships you establish with those 10 people could lead to knowing even more people and by the time you know it, you have like 300 people as friends on facebook. that you actually know and talk to.

people are always criticizing how many of your social network friends are actually friends..but hey, they may be called "friends" but hey! why do people hold that word so highly? it's just like hope and trust. people put so much emphasis on the word that the meaning of the actual thing gets lost. if your relationship with another person could be defined by a word, then maybe your relationship isn't all that amazing.

i understand the importance of friends. i love my friends to death and will do pretty much anything for them. studies have shown that close, intimate relationships with other people result in a healthier, better quality of life. because we're social animals. so i KNOW the importance of friends; i have them.

which is exactly why when people act like someone who has like 1000 friends on their facebook or myspace is like...actually friendless or snobby or whatever; it irritates me. because i KNOW people who have like 1000 PLUS friends on facebook and guess what? they're actually just really, really social people. i mean, people add me on facebook after just being introduced to me. we don't have that much of a conversation, but hey! half an hour later, i get a friend request (and there's really no reason to not accept because...well, i DO know the person) and you know what, sometimes i actually don't add anyone until maybe even hanging out (like LEGIT hang out, not just be in the presence of the person) a couple times.

not only do some people have different definitions of friends in REAL LIFE, some people just don't care about facebook at all!! someone might be a super social butterfly (like...a socialite or something) and have way too much of a life to not even spend time on facebook (because they're too busy seeing people's faces in real life).

so...what i'm saying is that facebook doesn't reflect reality (heck, some people's perspective of reality isn't even accurate). so people need to stop putting facebook on a pedestal.

now back to my original topic of social networking (not on the world wide web. like actually networking) and i think it's interesting and really heart-touching in a sense that by just being acquainted by someone, they can really grow to be a part of your life and can lead you to meet a lot of other people who will greatly influence your life in a positive way.

so open up and let yourself know people and let people know you. :D

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