Friday, October 9, 2009

Blogging like everyone else


OMG, so like Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize and of course, EVERYONE blogs about it; and since I'm such a conformist, I'll blog about it too!! =D

Okay, so this summer I took like a "Gandhi" course and as we all know, Gandhi never won the nobel peace prize (yeah) and he like...helped led India to independence! (Notice I said "helped" not "brought") Not only that, but Nelson Mandela also like...did whatever with apartheid in South Africa (well, he won a NPP but that's besides the case).

My point is, these guys actually accomplished something, it took years and years and lots of...blood and tears (omg! that rhymed!) but these guys started something that led to something great, which won them world wide fame (and sometimes a NPP!) And Obama hasn't even...started anything yet! I believe that in a decade or so, Obama will be very deserving of the npp, but right now, right this instant, he's just getting started! It's like granting a high school freshman a full-ride scholarship to Harvard, the student might have all the potential in the world, but they haven't done anything yet.

And the thing that pisses me off the most about this issue is that people make it into an issue of race (dundundun the "r" word!!). I mean...WTFFFFFFFF maybe it's underlying somewhere the race thing, but I think it's been blown out of proportion, again, like the people I mentioned above: Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, they ain't white! The Nobel Peace Prize ain't about race it's about keeping the peace!! It's incredibly ironic how the NPP caused this big controversy! Who the hell is on the board anyway???

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