Thursday, October 15, 2009

Turning My (school) Life Around!!!

OMG, I'm such a nerd, I'm always blogging about school...well, since I don't have much of a life outside of school, I guess that's why it's all I have to talk about. =D

First and foremost: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRINITY!!!!!
Yes, today is my niece's birthday; sadly, I cannot spend the day with her. =( In fact, this morning, I was cramming for my Deutsch quiz and spent the whole morning thinking about strong and weak German verbs and was totally unaware that it was her birthday...=( Not only that, but I was also like...planning my whole day out: German Quiz at 10, Linguistics discussion at 2, HASA at 6, then study session at 8. Yeah, the only day that I'm busy, and it's my niece's birthday. FML.

Anyway, I like have so much to say..but I haven't been blogging lately so yeah...sucky.

BUT! I'll start with MONDAY. Like OMG, worst Monday of my LIFE. I think I'm over it now, actually, I was over it by Tuesday morning, but still, it makes me want to kick some ass. Anyway, I had a speech due on Monday morning at 9, in this speech I was supposed to have revised my speech outline and have a visual aid handy. Being the bad student that I am, I had neither. And to add to that, I had left my backpack with only my Comm A stuffs and laptop at my dear friend's dorm room that weekend. Well, I figure since I get to class an hour early anyway, that should be enough time for me to bullshit some revision (at this time I had completely forgotten about the visual aid) so, I call up my friend the evening before; now this friend has a tendency of losing her phone over the weekend (actually constantly but that's besides the point) and when I got her voicemail, I hoped to God that she at least gets her phone by Monday morning. She didn't, so I call her before I leave the house on Monday and she doesn't pick up, well, it's early I figured and so I go an wait for the bus. WELL, the bus actually MISSES me. That's right, the bus missed ME. I was there five minutes early, at the same time, at the same place that I always am on Monday mornings. It was the same freakin' bus driver too, AND I was wearing a bright blue sweater. So, there's absolutely NO FREAKIN' way for her to have missed me. But she did!! Like OMG...she missed me! She even slowed down like she was gonna pick me up, but she never did!! There was another bus that was coming in another half hour, and on a regular day, I wouldn't have minded, but today I had some procrastination to do! Like OMG, of all the other days!!! So, of course, furious, I reported a...complaint...I really think that's an exaggeration on my part but again, if it was any other day I wouldn't have cared, but it just HAD to be on the day I had to work.

Anyway, I get to class 30 minutes later than I expected but I was like, "Ok, I'll just bust ass and get my stuff done." I call my friend about 935035802709752764018 times to tell her I was gonna come get my stuff, I even go to the dorm to try and get to her room, I couldn't get up to her room because I didn't have a key and couldn't get past the first floor, so I couldn't get my stuff. So, I'm here at this dorm, looking like a creeper, with none of my school stuff, with a paper to bullshit and I had less than 30 minutes to do it! So, that was a bummer morning, I rush to the library to bust ass on my paper, thankfully I saved it onto my webspace, and I fixed it up! yay! I thought, but then I realized that I needed a visual aid...that caught me off guard. So I bullshitted some stuff on Microsoft Word and got my "visual aid."

So, I get to class LATE and not only that, I forgot my VHS to videotape my speech as I deliver yeah...I don't think my TA likes me anymore. On top of that, I didn't upload my 'revised' paper and didn't print out my sources for my paper either. AND I butchered my speech. If I get a D on this speech, it would be because my TA is über nice.

And that's before 10 in the morning...the rest of my classes go fine. And I had a lunch date with a dear friend of mine, so I figured that my day would turn around! Well, after eating Sbarro and drinking bubble tea, we go and explore! yay! Well...for some reason, I start getting REALLY sick! How sick you my ask? Well...I puked in public behind some trees...yeah...right there in the was pretty sick. So, I had to leave my friend early and went to my sister's place to take a much needed nap. An hour later, I feel just a-ok! And my sister took me out to eat at a nice restaurant. =d

Moral of the story: sisters make everything better. =D

WOW...that was quite a rant.

But! Today was a lot better!! Even though I forgot my niece's birthday, I go to German class and find out that I've actually improved as a student!! yay!!! Lately, I've been slacking like..hardcore, but we got verb quizzes back and I find that I've been getting 100% on all of them!! yay!! So, that inspired me to be a better student! So after I publish this, I'm going to study!! =D

Wow...this blog had everything...FML, MLIA, and GMH!! =D

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