Monday, February 28, 2011


it's weird as hell how much attention you get when you get into a relationship. people act like it's such a big fucking deal. it really isn't! god. you get some random ass people coming up to you all like "who's your bf?" "who's that guy on fb?" "omg, that was your man?" shiiiiit. it's like "fuck, you never come up to me just to say 'hi' before, but now that i'm involved, i'm all of a sudden the most interesting thing in the world???" shiiit. i think busting my mouth is a hell of a lot more interesting than getting into a relationship. people get into relationships all the time, but not everyone gets into a skiing accident! wtf. weird people. it's obvious where their priorities are.

but the most annoying thing, is when they don't even see me as myself anymore it's always "you and your bf" "you and your bf" "you and your bf" what, am i not invited if he doesn't come along? shit. sorry bout that, but i still have a life of my own. fuck.

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