Saturday, February 12, 2011

yep. it was for you.

okok, this was for you, but i clicked "publish" instead of "save" and it wasn't done yet. so yeah. sorry bout that. little sneak preview, that's all. but, here it is:

i don't think this is going to fit on a valentine's day card.

but you keep saying i should write about more interesting stuff, so i'll write about your favorite subject. you.*

*that is a link. click on it.

DISCLAIMER: um...ladies, i don't think you'll enjoy this post very much, sorry bout that. maybe it's best if you don't read this at all :D

ok, back to you.

remember that one conversation when we were talking about "why me?" and like...somehow you were able to come up with some pretty awesome, legit reasons for why you're with me and i couldn't come up with reasons why i'm with you? well, i've been thinking about it (a LOT) and here are some reasons why i keep ya around.

no matter how offensive, tasteless and degrading your jokes are, they always manage to make me laugh.

you're extremely considerate

you talk a LOT. but i feel that we talk about things that i wouldn't talk to anyone else about. and i really enjoy our conversations.

ok. this is probably the thing i love most about you, and it will probably the the one characteristic of you that i'll continue to respect you for after you leave me for a white girl. you're... unbelievably kind and understanding. almost to the point where you make mother teresa look like a bitch. almost.

you make me feel pretty. that sounds very arrogant and self centered. but really, you make me feel pretty and i really appreciate that. you even make me feel pretty with no teeth. that's pretty awesome.

i like how our smiles match. matched. will match again. :D

you let me set the pace. even though you walk really really fast, you slow down for me. and i'll try to walk faster in the future...but i'm not making any promises.

also, with that, you're really patient.

you're so weird and hilariously awkward. i loves it.

you like the way i talk. you're probably the only person in the whole entire world who does. =]

ok. i admit it. i like your hugs.

i like how much you let me get away with. i keep pushing your buttons and you still don't hate me for it.

i also love how you keep your cool. even if you're annoyed or irritated, you still keep your head in line.

you're brutally honest, even though your opinions don't matter sometimes, you still voice them.

and with that, i like how you don't shove your ideas and views down people's throats and understand that some people just don't give a shit about stuff. :]

i like how much you like cats. honestly, the title of your cat post reminds me of lady gaga's "boys, boys, boys" just the title though. haha

i you get me. i dunno, i feel like you get me in a way that no one else does and...i dunno. it's pretty cool.

i loves how adorable you are.

i like how you can get along with just about anyone. you can just start talking to a random person like you've known them forever.

you take criticism really well. no matter how brutal.

i like how you smell

i like how open you are about pretty much everything.

so. be my valentine?

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