Thursday, October 7, 2010


you're not open enough. you're not forgiving enough. you're not understanding enough. you're expecting too much out of a single person.

i fucking hate how everyone's looking for "someone i can always turn to, to make me happy on my worse days..." blahblahblahblahfuckingblah.

seriously? you want ONE person to do that? just to let you know, there are six BILLION people here on earth, if you want all of that from just ONE person...good luck with that. i don't think there's a single person out there that can deal with so much...dumbass.

and not only that but are YOU willing to be that person in return? do you think you're "there" for another person all the time? are you so selfless that you always drop everything you're doing for that other person? then feel alllll betrayed when they don't return the favor?

well, understand this: unconditional love is selfless. if you really unconditionally love someone, you really don't give a damn if they love you back. if you really care for someone, it doesn't matter if they don't care for you the same way you care for them. you know why? because you'll love them no matter what. unconditional love isn't about a trade off "i'll love you if you love me" "i'll care after you only if you're there for me when i need you" no, it's just..."i'm here for you." there's no "me" in the equation, and i don't think there's a person in the world out there that has this capacity of selflessness. except for mothers. mothers are freaking awesome. and daddies. daddies are also freaking awesome.

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