Wednesday, October 13, 2010

miley cyrus.

she's a popular topic lately so i'm gonna blog about her too! hehe :D (i was gonna do a fb status but i felt that that didn't do justice to what i'm about to say, especially since i have the tendency to rant. like now)


my girl miley is a whore. a skank. one without decent clothes.

and you know what? that really sucks. it's rather sad.

i just can't find it in my heart to justify her actions. at all. and maybe it's because i've seen a lot of arguments against her and not much for her that it's causing me to be a bit bias but...deep in my moral core, i do not support her doing what she's doing. at all.

sure, you want the world to know you're all "growed up" but taking your clothes off and TRYING to turn yourself into the next sex symbol isn't the way to do it. whether you are a celebrity or not, growing up doesn't only mean ready for sex or baby having. even some grown ups aren't ready for babies. so what's the difference between a grown up and a child, a kid or a teenager?

technically, it's age. but let's get real here, age is just a number. some people have to grow up faster than others, and some people never grow up at all. so just because you're 16, 18, 21, 25, 108 doesn't give you the right to be a whore, or selfish, or a bad role model.

basically, what i'm trying to say matter what age you are, you should just be a good person. sure you may run into some identity crisis or maybe you had a rough patch in your life. whatever. all i'm trying to say is...just be a good person. and show the world that you are a good person. don't take extremes to make a point, because i get the feeling that most people won't get the point across.

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