Friday, October 1, 2010

"you can have my leftovers"

wellllllllll...somebody's not over their ex.

(ok, i just realized that i'm doing a lot of quote titles whatever, they're what comes to mind :D)

but you know when like a couple breaks up and then they go and see other people? but then an ex is all like "oh, that's my trash. i guess one man's trash is another man's treasure" and they have this like...attitude where they like still own their ex or whatnot but they're like totally "over" them.

well, news flash. as far as i know, y'all broke up. s/he is available, and you aren't a part of any of their lives anymore.

and seriously? what makes you think you own someone in the first place? calling someone your "trash" kinda makes them like...your property. just to let you know, if you throw out a couch, it's up for grabs; if you break up with someone, they're a free for all too.

i mean, i remember back in middle school we would always say this. "oh, she's just picking up her trash" "oh, he's been passed around the whole group of friends, he's they're trash" but that's because...well, it was middle school, i didn't put much thought into these things.

but gosh, it's sad when people don't grow out of mindsets like actually makes them look pretty darn pathetic. it's so obvious that you haven't moved on yet if you care about who your ex is dating. if you really have moved on, you really could care less and just live your own life.

another quote i hate is "i saw your ex and s/he's ugly" like...wooooow, you're such a prize and how dare s/he dump you for someone uglier! god forbid that people stop being shallow and ugly people should always give up the cream of the crop to beautiful people because ugly people don't deserve happiness.

seriously. get over it and get over yourself. then get a life. then give me money :D

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