Monday, December 27, 2010

dang, that smarts.

it's not intellectual. it's pure information.

Monday, December 20, 2010


i really do miss the good times we had.
why you have to go all crazy fo'?!

in all our pictures we were always smiling, and they were always genuine...then they started becoming more and more fake...and then we started taking less and less pictures...then we stopped taking pictures...then we stopped talking...then we stopped seeing each other...then we stopped missing each other...then i go and reminisce and start missing the old you again...

Saturday, December 18, 2010


i'm weakkkkkkksauce.

Friday, December 17, 2010


i'm seriously laughing my ass off. my myself. at a table.

people looking for a table must hate me.

but i'm having so much fun xD


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i feel like shit.

but at least i feel good bout myself. :]

Sunday, December 12, 2010

i want to be a part of something

seeing all these greeks i guess, i dunno the terminology makes me sooo jealoussss =[

i want to like...i dunno, be a part of something...but it's sooooo much commitment eughhhh

eh. whatever.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

we are one

first of all, i love that song from lion king 2.

second of all, i hate it when people lose their individuality when they become committed in a relationship.

we see them all around. they're always like "me and him" "him and me" "me and her" "her and me" "me and my bf" "my gf and i" "my booooo" "my babeee" "my babyboohunnybunchesofoats"

their profile pictures are of THEM, they're statuses are about THEM, every time you invite ONE of them to an event they say "oh, i'll see if WE can make it"


sure. have your relationship, and be happy with it too. but sometimes, just sometimes, i just want my friend. JUST my friend. not my friend and her bf. not my friend and his gf. just. my. friend.

GOD. am i the only one that didn't take it literally when i heard the phrase "we are one" or "we make each other whole"??? might as well just super glue yourselves to each other, you're already inseparable and apparently incapable of being apart from each other for an extended period of time without getting withdrawal.

SHIIIIT. then there are those NOSY ASS MOTHERFUCKERS who WON'T stop asking about your current relationship status. "how are you?" "how's the boyfriend?" "oh..that sucks, why did he do that?" "are you guys still together?"


there's more to a person than their relationship and there's more to life than your bf/gf/hubby/wifey. just sayin'. don't lose yourself. ever. for anyone.

Monday, December 6, 2010


i just realized something.

things that usually push people away aren't what you HAVE done, it's what you HAVEN'T done.

for example, someone can cheat on someone else. now, it's not the act of cheating that drives the other person away, it's the lack of respect, loyalty and fidelity.

another example: someone's not "feelin' the love" anymore. like maroon 5 says in their song, misery, "it's not what i didn't feel, it's what i didn't show."'s not that the love isn't there, it's just the love isn't being felt

and it's great that i realize this now, because...i dunno, the phrase "i'm sorry for what i've done" has always pissed me off (except i LOVES the song "what i've done" by linkin park) and now i know! because it ISN'T what you do, it's what you DON'T do. so next time a relationship's falling apart, don't focus on what's being "done," focus on what's not there anymore and bring it back (ok, i just got "do you remember" by jay sean stuck in my head now xD)


you know my family so much better than i do. good job! *throws two thumbs up!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

no effort

you know what i just realized? i've been saying "if you're not gonna put any effort in to this relationship [not THAT kind of relationship, any kind :D], then it's not worth it" a lot lately...and then i realized that...relationships really take no effort at all.

trippy, ain't it?

i know there's all those relationship help books out there, and there are probably a lot of marriage counselors out there that are going to like die if they ever read what i just said. but...if you look at it, it's true, relationships don't take no effort at all.

now, you may not agree or get along or even like someone you're in a relationship with all the time. and no, it's not the "boyfriend/girlfriend" kind of relationship only, it's any relationship you have to another person. your mother, father, brother, sister, child, friend, classmate, coworker, random stranger on the street. but if you really care about that person, you're willing to compromise almost unconsciously so that the both of you stay on those terms. and it's mutual, so it's not just you, that's the beauty of it.

i mean like...there are people out there who like to TALK about EVERYTHING. and GOD it's pretty annoying sometimes, they always gotta SAY how they FEEL and how they FEEL when someone does SOMETHING. yeah, that's great and all, you're getting it out there with no facade; but honestly, you can talk all you want but if someone isn't listening, you're just wasting your breath and both of your times.

okok, now i'm not saying that in a relationship you don't talk AT ALL. you talk. a lot too. but you don't ALWAYS have to talk about EVERYTHING you feel and how you feel about EVERYTHING. because...well, that will only string a bunch of really boring conversations (and if you're into that, you need some more excitement in your life. go sky diving or something).

i guess what i'm ultimately trying to say is...if there's chemistry there, you would rarely need a catalyst. yeah, you might need it to spark a reaction or to get something going, but it's usually minimal. and if it seems like you're putting in so much effort and time into making something come out of this, and there isn't anything happening, then maybe it's just not meant to happen. and you should go off and try to see if it'll hit off great somewhere else. (and that's right, i just did a chemistry analogy >=D)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

strong. beautiful. confident.

weak. ugly. insecure. that's what you really are. if you constantly need someone to tell you that you are a strong, beautiful, confident person, i really don't think you are. because a strong, beautiful, confident person rarely needs to be told that they are, they already know.

i mean, sure sometimes you need a friendly reminder. but seriously, if every other thing that's coming out of someone's mouth to you is "remember, you are a strong, beautiful woman" then...maybe you aren't as strong or as beautiful as you think, or as they say you are.

and you know what, it's ok to be weak; you can always gain strength. it's ok to be ugly; everyone's beautiful, it takes courage to be ugly. and it's ok to be insecure; the people who are always confident are usually douchebags.

what's best is knowing who YOU are, and not letting someone else tell you who you are. so what if you're weak? you can get stronger (you WILL get stronger). so what if you're not beautiful? you aren't there to impress someone else. and so what if you're insecure? you can still be right, just not be sure.

and FUCK all those people who's only advice is "you are strong" FUCKING SHIT. i already KNOW that, i don't need you to tell me, that's not even fucking advice, that's just a statement. fucking shit. and sometimes i don't need fucking advice, i don't need you to say anything, i just want you to fucking listen, let me vent, and then forget about what i just said so you can't go around talking shit about me behind my back or using it against me later.