Saturday, December 4, 2010

strong. beautiful. confident.

weak. ugly. insecure. that's what you really are. if you constantly need someone to tell you that you are a strong, beautiful, confident person, i really don't think you are. because a strong, beautiful, confident person rarely needs to be told that they are, they already know.

i mean, sure sometimes you need a friendly reminder. but seriously, if every other thing that's coming out of someone's mouth to you is "remember, you are a strong, beautiful woman" then...maybe you aren't as strong or as beautiful as you think, or as they say you are.

and you know what, it's ok to be weak; you can always gain strength. it's ok to be ugly; everyone's beautiful, it takes courage to be ugly. and it's ok to be insecure; the people who are always confident are usually douchebags.

what's best is knowing who YOU are, and not letting someone else tell you who you are. so what if you're weak? you can get stronger (you WILL get stronger). so what if you're not beautiful? you aren't there to impress someone else. and so what if you're insecure? you can still be right, just not be sure.

and FUCK all those people who's only advice is "you are strong" FUCKING SHIT. i already KNOW that, i don't need you to tell me, that's not even fucking advice, that's just a statement. fucking shit. and sometimes i don't need fucking advice, i don't need you to say anything, i just want you to fucking listen, let me vent, and then forget about what i just said so you can't go around talking shit about me behind my back or using it against me later.

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