Thursday, December 31, 2009

Protect her.

Do you know what just pisses me off? The fact that people believe that women need protection. First of all, from WHAT?? And second, are we as women completely incapable of protecting ourselves??? What, are we so fragile and weak that we need a big, strong MAN to protect us? Is it a man's DUTY to protect us?? Are we to burden MEN with our weakness and our NEED to be protected??

God. This is possibly one of the most anti-feminist things ever said. EVER. It really pisses me off.

I hate men AND women who believe this. First of all, ladies, do you really think that you cannot provide for yourself? Do you really think that you need a man in your life just so you can be protected?? And gentlemen, do you really think that a woman cannot care for herself? That without you there helping her that she'll be doomed??


Reality check everyone, men and women are EQUAL. Equal!!! Does anyone understand what that means anymore?? To me, it means that a woman is just as capable of being self-sustaining as a man is, but also that a woman needs a man as much as a man needs a woman. It's like symbiosis (ok, i googled that, but seriously, who remembers that from freshman bio?) we all need each other in order to surviveeeeee.

yeah. so that's my speel for the day. =d

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why so...emo???

You know, I love reading blogs. I really do. There are times when I'm like...just sitting on facebook...bored because I finished all of my games and I'm just stalking my friends when I realize that "hey! I didn't stalk anyone's thoughts today!" then I get on here and start reading blogs. You know, all blogs, even the short ones reveal a lot but also causes a lot of confusion. If I pissed someone off but am unsure about how pissed off they are, they usually write about me in their blog...then I know...then I'm not sure what to do the next time I see that person. o.O I just hope that blogging cooled off their minds a little lol.

But that's a trend I notice...people only blog when they have something to say, and they usually only have something to say...when they're a lot of blogs I read are really hostile or emo. o.O

That's so strange!!!

I mean, it makes it seem like some of the people I know have this complete alter ego, it's so SCARY sometimes! It's like, "you're not this...hostile in real life...are you??" And then I start questioning how much I really do know people...o.o

I mean...I dunno...maybe it is because people only blog when they want to release some tension inside or something, I know I do that and I just rant about how sucky life is...but then I started wondering, do I do that all the time?? So, being paranoid, I started to read my blogs, and seriously, if I wasn't me and I read my blog...I'd think that I'd have an alter ego too...o.O.

BLAH. It's too WEIRD!! lol

Friday, December 18, 2009

"I'll do me"

Ok, I just realized that the title sounds bad...but it's from the phrase! "I'll do me" basically...I'm gonna be me no matter what. And I'm a strong supporter of that phrase. I feel that you have to change your behavior around certain people, like you won't behave the same when you're with your boss and when you're with your friends. Heck, you aren't even the same when you're by yourself. But I feel that you should always remain true to yourself. Everyone should used the same adjective to describe you no matter who they are to you in your life. For example, you may be more formal with you boss, and you may be more of a party animal with your friends, but both groups of people should describe you the same, (I'll use nice examples this time) "kind, creative, goes to the beat of his/her own drum" things like that. What I have a problem with is two faced people. Like, when two different groups of people would not recognize you if they saw the "other you."

I'm not saying that you can't be a party animal and a good citizen, but you're either a classy party animal or you're a slutty citizen. You cannot be both a party animal and a good citizen, if you find that you are, you're two faced.

Yes, there is a personal life and a professional life, but you should still be YOU in both those lives. If someone from your workplace was to come into your personal life or if someone from your personal life should come to your workplace, they should not be all that surprised at what you do. I'm not talking about the little stuff like, they don't know that you paint as a hobby or that you like slasher films. No, I'm talking about the things that make up the essence of your being. When someone sees a completely different person....that's because there is a completely different person and that means that you're two faced.

But the people that piss me off even more than two faced people are...I'm not sure if there's a word out there for them, I'm sure I'm the only person who feels this way, but the people who think they're too good for everyone else. Not like...I dunno, I'll explain.

Like say, you love skinny jeans. You see them on the rack in the back of a department store, and you put them on and you're in love. You just love how you look skinny in them and you love how they fit. So you wear them around, not caring about all the weird looks you get. A few months later, everyone has them, they're the latest trend. So you're all like, "oh, everyone has them, I don't want them anymore."

BULLSHIT. I hate these people the most. The "non-trend followers." What? You think you started a whole trend by yourself? Sure. Fine. Whatever. But if you like a look, or not even a look, but a piece of clothing or an accessory or even a drink but you stop "liking" it simply because everyone else likes it? BULL-FUCKEN-SHIT.

I personally think, that if you really don't care about what everyone else thinks, if you're really doing your own thing, then keep doing your own thing! Let the trends come and go, YOU ARE NOT A TREND. You are you! So what if everyone thinks "oh, they're only wearing it because it's in" or "that's so out of style" then let them think it! If you're in love with how you look, then everyone looking like you shouldn't matter! You are you! You may look weird today, but that might be the cool thing tomorrow! It doesn't matter, your look is your look! If you use your look to define you then let it define you! If you change it to match the latest trends or if you change it to look different from the latest trends then you're not really doing it for you, are you? You're not really doing "you" are you? You're doing "society" or "anti-society"

What am I trying to say?? If it isn't clear enough, I'm trying to say that, if you're really expressing yourself through how you look, then keep expressing yourself, it doesn't matter what's "in" and what's not, if everyone looks like you, then fine, they look like you; if they don't look like you, then they don't. YOU look like you.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Carefree...or careless??, I'm being a good student! Yeah! For the first time this semester! I kicked myself off facebook TWO TIMES to continue studying! OMG! I've never done that before! And from studying I've found what I need to work on and what I'm good at! yay!! I've even prepared some questions to ask at the study session!! OMFG...this is what productivity really is...and I've only been at it for three hours! wow...I feel REALLY good about this! I'm so excited for this exam tomorrow!! =D yes. i. is. excited.

And yesterday! I did TWO assignments! (One of them being my "final"!) OMG! I finally did something EARLY for German! I really wanted to like...turn in my assessment early for Comm A but...didn't work...but I turned it in on time! And I feel that it was a really thoughtful and heartfelt assessment/reflection. =D

Speaking about reflections...I've been reflecting on And be put in a few words...

I'm scared out of my mind.

I'm not like...emo about it or anything, but that's the scary part!! It seems like I have no motivation and when I do get little sparks of motivation, it lasts about an hour...then I like...stop. o.O It's the strangest thing!

I mean, I like don't CARE about anything anymore! I don't care about my grades, I don't care about my major, I don't care about PK...I dun care about anything or anyone!!! WTF???

So. I've made up my mind. I'm going to get my ass kicked. That's right. Get my ass kicked. I've been SPOILED my whole life, my parents have given me everything I need to survive, and I don't even have to do anything in return except for the dishes. My siblings have experienced all the wrong things in life, so I can be aware of them, and again...I don't have to do anything. But my not doing anything...I'm not doing anything!! I need to like...get out there in the cold, cruel world, get my ass raped by it, then come back as a valuable person! yay!! That's my plan...

But I don't want to do it alone...and I don't think I have to, but every time I try to do things all by my onesy self...things get REALLY messed up, and the sad thing is, it's just not for me, but I somehow manage to get like half of the world involved too. 0.o

But when I do it with some "help" I always develop this very strong dependency on the other person or people...and end up not contributing anything. o.O

So I dunno whats to do...I think I just have to find a balance between both. yeah. balance.

I mean, I need to gain some independence...but I can't be an antisocial...sociopath lol.

so. this is my first step. i'm studying. BY MYSELF. without the distraction of friends or family. but i plan on going to my sister either later today or tomorrow (well....I'm sleeping over anyway so oh well) and going over my studies. =D

I guess it's good that I got this...on finals week...but better late then never huh? I can start the Spring semester with a whole new outlook on life! =D And next year! OMG! When I finally move out so I can REALLY discipline myself and time management!!

...gosh...I'm growing up so's SCARY. (that's why i is scared)

Monday, December 14, 2009


Ok...a lot of folks have approached me and...told me that I haven't been blogging...I'M SO SORRY!!!
I like really thought that I would blog like...everyday because I love ranting. Fo' real. I remember I used MySpace as a blog...yeah, strange. But that's because I didn't bother to look for blogging sites or anything...then I realized that I had friends that blogged, so I had to stalk their thoughts, so I started a page/site/thingy here too...and I was really looking to blogging hardcore then getting discovered by like some super book publisher dude who really liked my blog...and publishes it...but then I realized that my life has to be melodramatic enough to be entertaining...and I'm not a good story teller like vanilla

Anyway, I have a blog in the works, but it's kind of a pissed-off rant's the holidays right I'm not really pissed off...a little stressed (not over finals, surprisingly) but not pissed enough to put any emotion into that I'll wait until i is pissed. =D

SO, what I wanted to accomplish with this post is to say...HAPPY HOLIDAYS! No matter which ones you celebrate, no matter what time of the year you celebrate them! Who cares?! No school! Go outside and eat snow!!!