Friday, December 18, 2009

"I'll do me"

Ok, I just realized that the title sounds bad...but it's from the phrase! "I'll do me" basically...I'm gonna be me no matter what. And I'm a strong supporter of that phrase. I feel that you have to change your behavior around certain people, like you won't behave the same when you're with your boss and when you're with your friends. Heck, you aren't even the same when you're by yourself. But I feel that you should always remain true to yourself. Everyone should used the same adjective to describe you no matter who they are to you in your life. For example, you may be more formal with you boss, and you may be more of a party animal with your friends, but both groups of people should describe you the same, (I'll use nice examples this time) "kind, creative, goes to the beat of his/her own drum" things like that. What I have a problem with is two faced people. Like, when two different groups of people would not recognize you if they saw the "other you."

I'm not saying that you can't be a party animal and a good citizen, but you're either a classy party animal or you're a slutty citizen. You cannot be both a party animal and a good citizen, if you find that you are, you're two faced.

Yes, there is a personal life and a professional life, but you should still be YOU in both those lives. If someone from your workplace was to come into your personal life or if someone from your personal life should come to your workplace, they should not be all that surprised at what you do. I'm not talking about the little stuff like, they don't know that you paint as a hobby or that you like slasher films. No, I'm talking about the things that make up the essence of your being. When someone sees a completely different person....that's because there is a completely different person and that means that you're two faced.

But the people that piss me off even more than two faced people are...I'm not sure if there's a word out there for them, I'm sure I'm the only person who feels this way, but the people who think they're too good for everyone else. Not like...I dunno, I'll explain.

Like say, you love skinny jeans. You see them on the rack in the back of a department store, and you put them on and you're in love. You just love how you look skinny in them and you love how they fit. So you wear them around, not caring about all the weird looks you get. A few months later, everyone has them, they're the latest trend. So you're all like, "oh, everyone has them, I don't want them anymore."

BULLSHIT. I hate these people the most. The "non-trend followers." What? You think you started a whole trend by yourself? Sure. Fine. Whatever. But if you like a look, or not even a look, but a piece of clothing or an accessory or even a drink but you stop "liking" it simply because everyone else likes it? BULL-FUCKEN-SHIT.

I personally think, that if you really don't care about what everyone else thinks, if you're really doing your own thing, then keep doing your own thing! Let the trends come and go, YOU ARE NOT A TREND. You are you! So what if everyone thinks "oh, they're only wearing it because it's in" or "that's so out of style" then let them think it! If you're in love with how you look, then everyone looking like you shouldn't matter! You are you! You may look weird today, but that might be the cool thing tomorrow! It doesn't matter, your look is your look! If you use your look to define you then let it define you! If you change it to match the latest trends or if you change it to look different from the latest trends then you're not really doing it for you, are you? You're not really doing "you" are you? You're doing "society" or "anti-society"

What am I trying to say?? If it isn't clear enough, I'm trying to say that, if you're really expressing yourself through how you look, then keep expressing yourself, it doesn't matter what's "in" and what's not, if everyone looks like you, then fine, they look like you; if they don't look like you, then they don't. YOU look like you.

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