Thursday, December 31, 2009

Protect her.

Do you know what just pisses me off? The fact that people believe that women need protection. First of all, from WHAT?? And second, are we as women completely incapable of protecting ourselves??? What, are we so fragile and weak that we need a big, strong MAN to protect us? Is it a man's DUTY to protect us?? Are we to burden MEN with our weakness and our NEED to be protected??

God. This is possibly one of the most anti-feminist things ever said. EVER. It really pisses me off.

I hate men AND women who believe this. First of all, ladies, do you really think that you cannot provide for yourself? Do you really think that you need a man in your life just so you can be protected?? And gentlemen, do you really think that a woman cannot care for herself? That without you there helping her that she'll be doomed??


Reality check everyone, men and women are EQUAL. Equal!!! Does anyone understand what that means anymore?? To me, it means that a woman is just as capable of being self-sustaining as a man is, but also that a woman needs a man as much as a man needs a woman. It's like symbiosis (ok, i googled that, but seriously, who remembers that from freshman bio?) we all need each other in order to surviveeeeee.

yeah. so that's my speel for the day. =d

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