Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why so...emo???

You know, I love reading blogs. I really do. There are times when I'm like...just sitting on facebook...bored because I finished all of my games and I'm just stalking my friends when I realize that "hey! I didn't stalk anyone's thoughts today!" then I get on here and start reading blogs. You know, all blogs, even the short ones reveal a lot but also causes a lot of confusion. If I pissed someone off but am unsure about how pissed off they are, they usually write about me in their blog...then I know...then I'm not sure what to do the next time I see that person. o.O I just hope that blogging cooled off their minds a little lol.

But that's a trend I notice...people only blog when they have something to say, and they usually only have something to say...when they're angry...so a lot of blogs I read are really hostile or emo. o.O

That's so strange!!!

I mean, it makes it seem like some of the people I know have this complete alter ego, it's so SCARY sometimes! It's like, "you're not this...hostile in real life...are you??" And then I start questioning how much I really do know people...o.o

I mean...I dunno...maybe it is because people only blog when they want to release some tension inside or something, I know I do that and I just rant about how sucky life is...but then I started wondering, do I do that all the time?? So, being paranoid, I started to read my blogs, and seriously, if I wasn't me and I read my blog...I'd think that I'd have an alter ego too...o.O.

BLAH. It's too WEIRD!! lol

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