Thursday, June 10, 2010

another boys post.

"Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves, and of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys, they'd just walk around naked at all times." -Betsy Johnson

hehe. this quote was my status for a bit. :]

so...this brings up the topic of feminism (dundunduuuun).

one of the many pet peeves i have is when people think i'm "dressing up to impress someone." it's like i can never dress up to feel good about myself, or express myself. it's like i always have to think about what other think about me. i've recently started feeling the same about plastic surgery. if i feel that i want a smaller nose, why should any one else's opinion matter? (except the doctor's...) a lot of the's not for attention, but because you feel that you have the right to your own body.

i mean...seriously, i don't go buying clothes thinking, "i wonder how many compliments i can get with this dress" or anything like that. and i honestly don't think anyone does.

like cute bras. people kept saying "why buy them if no one can see them?" well...first of all, i buy the bras i do because it's for ME. they aren't..."sexy" they're more cute and awesome (like my clothes :D) and i buy them because they make ME feel good. i don't buy them so that other people can enjoy them (although if other people do, it's no problem either =])

and also with make up. guys...really don't notice stuff like that. only other girls do. so when people think that girls put on make up to impress guys...they are DEAD wrong. when a girl has make up like THIS she is most definitely NOT doing it to impress guys but kind of to show off her skills.

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