Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"it's my life"

i feel that people who say this are very selfish. because when they say this, they're completely unaware of everyone who's involved in their life.

yes, it may be your life, and ultimately you have the final decision. there may be a lot of outside pressure, but in the end, it's all you.

but that decision doesn't only affect you.

there are people in your life who probably loves you more than you love yourself (impossible to understand, but true). and some decisions you make are going to hurt these people a lot. but since they love you more than you will ever know, they'll accept your decision, for the sake of your "happiness."

but sometimes you have to ask yourself, "do i love them more than i love myself?" because if you're any kind of a human being, you have got to realize that your actions have the possibility of hurting someone you care about, and you have to decide if their happiness is more important than your own.

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