Sunday, June 13, 2010

what pisses me off even more... that you don't even know why i'm pissed.

you just think "oh, tia's just having another one of her fits."

first of all: fuck you.

second of all: fuck your life.

and finally, i'm fucking straight up. all the time. especially when i'm angry. you don't even have to ask me "what's wrong?" i'm already telling you how it is.

the problem isn't with me voicing what's wrong, the problem is you not listening. i don't know how else to tell it like it is other then...telling it how it fucking is. so fuck you for not getting it. it's nothing deeper than what i'm saying. just fucking listen to what i'm fucking saying. there's nothing fucking complicated about it, there's nothing deeper than it. i'm just fucking irritated and i'm at the end of my fucking rope, so when i DO snap, you better start listening or i will fucking cut you.

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